Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Dream analysis

 One of these days, we'll be able to track our dreams like we track our heartbeat or sleep now.  In the meantime, I'll have to rely on the old-fashioned 'get up in the middle of the night and try to write it down' method.  Which rarely works well.  But last night I did get some information down:

I was in Amarillo, Texas ( a place I've never been).  I was playing golf at a country club, very similar to a place you might expect.  I was paired with a husband and wife and we had a pleasant time.  It was in modern Covid time.  The date was March 9 - I even wrote that down at 3 a.m.  

Afterwards before I was to leave, the husband and wife showed me a 25 basin hand-washing station, where I washed my hands before leaving.

After surgery last year when I was on a lot of medication, I did not sleep well and did not have dreams.  Glad to be back to normal, even if the dreams are anything but normal.