Friday, June 26, 2009

Icons of Growing Up

This week, many personalities I associate with growing up in the US in the 1970s and 1980s are dying. First Ed McMahon. His work with Johnny Carson over 30 years was "Built to Last". Every late night talk show follows the same format of the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson: the desk, the band, the monologue, the guests, the skits, etc. Ed McMahon was on Larry King and he was very proud of the work he did over the years. He knew he was blessed to work so long with someone like Johnny Carson.

Then Farrah Fawcett. I admit, I had a Farrah poster back in the 1970s. Not the most famous one in the orange swimsuit but the next version. I even had the t shirt. I also regularly watched Charlie's Angels and thought she was something. Not sure why she captivated in ways that others could have, but didn't.

Now Michael Jackson. I rushed to watch his videos in the early days of MTV. I danced the Moonwalk, as best as I could. I remember trying on a red leather jacket like he wore and also the black loafers and white socks. He hit heights that others can only strive for. He also hit depth that he always seemed to bounce back from. A great talent and he will be remembered for the good times.

Reminds me of the song 197o something by Mark Wills.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I was sorry to hear about Ed McMahon and then Billy Mays died from the Oxy Clean 50! Yikes, were getting there. When do you go to Sout America. I'l run your blog on twitter if you keep writing interesting stuff.
