Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tuesday Sept 15

0610 flight from the smaller Medellin airport EOH to Monteria (MTR) in the north part of the country, in the state of Cordoba. We took a turboprop over the mountains. The airport was like somethink from the Amazing Race. We got picked up by Moises in his Nissan truck and then picked up another person Juan Camilo. After a breakfast in a little cafe, we drove to the finca (farm). It was about 20 km outside of town and then 30 km down a red dirt road. We were out there!

At the place there was a nice bunkhouse. It was like the hunting lodge (smaller, less fancy) in Abasolo, Mexico we went to. We went out to the arena where horses were mounted and ready for us to ride. We went on a 2.5 hour horseback ride to see the cattle. That was pretty neat even if I was not quite dressed for it. But I enjoyed it. We rode through canals (forded through) and in genenal went over various terrain. I got very wet (from feets in water and water kicked up while riding) and the others thought that was pretty funny.

Then lunch. Pasta and spaghetti sauce. I later heard the cook had been reading the recipe all morning. Then I found out we would not be staying but would be driving the 6 hours back to Medellin. We took a short nap and set out about 3:30pm.

I rode with Juan Fernando who worked for Moises. We had a good talk back and forth. I got better at listening. It makes a difference when it is just the two of us.

On the way back it was a tough ride. Rained the whole way, dark, 1 hour on dirt road, twisty mountains road all the way (remember the mountains we flew over in the morning) and passing lots of cars around curves and going fast. And the check engine light came on! We got things fixed with a little help. We got back at 0130 Wed morning. What a day!

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