Friday, September 1, 2017

An Unlucky Day

Today is the Friday before Labor Day.  The Wall St Journal called it Getaway Day.  But for me, it is a day to stay away from possible trouble.

The Mayan calendar has 18 months of 20 days and the extra 5 days are considered Unlucky Days.   During those days they avoided unnecessary work.   For me, this day is one of those Unlucky Days.  So I stay away from work, lest anything bad befall me there.

It is rooted in history.  One year, I recall rushing to file an answer, thinking I was out of time.  As it turned out, that case lasted for 9 years.  There was plenty of time after all.

Another year, I recall staying out late and drinking too much.  That was not a good memory.

In general, it always was a stressful Friday.

So in recent times, I have found it better to just take the day off.  I don't miss much.  And its a good defense.

* Sidenote - Germany invaded Poland on Sept 1, 1940