Wednesday, December 11, 2019

End of 2019

Yesterday, I was at a loss for what to do next.  So I started to make a list of 100 things I could do.  After 50, I was prepared to get started on that list.

I've decided to get serious about a job search and that 2019 is going to be the last of this year.  So next year, I'm going to be doing something NEW.  No sure how this is all going to pan out but I am at least going to make the space to do it.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

More of the Same

I'm home sick today with the flu and back in the recliner, back watching Netflix, back to feeling a bit blaa.  I was thinking it has been a tough year and this December is no letdown.  That should mean that 2020 will be great. 

Or maybe things will be more of the same.  No telling what the future will bring.