Monday, October 5, 2015

Since 1992

Something caught my eye lately about a lawyer that had been around for over 35 years.  My years seemed less.  But I thought more about it, I've been around too.

Would you believe....

When I became a lawyer in 1992, George H.W. Bush was President.  Fresh off what we now call the First Gulf War (and the first President Bush), the U.S. economy was in a slump.  Third party millionaire candidate Ross Perot split the vote and Bill Clinton won with less than 50% vote.

There were cell phones but they were rarely used.  I think I got my first one about then but they were more making than receiving calls.  Most people didn't know their number.

There was no internet to speak off.  Certainly you couldn't open a browser and search for anything.  Google was not a verb, having not come on the scene until 1998.  But fax machines were big.  Jokes were faxed around like emails are forwarded today.

I'd have to say the law has not changed as much as it should.  Blame that on demographics.  With the lawyers of 35 years ago still around,(baby boomers)  the profession still has remnants of the past century, hourly billing, partnership tracks, paltry diversity, and unfriendly attitudes toward women in the profession.  Did I mention the baby boomers are still around and not going anywhere fast?

Check back with me in another 23 years.

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