Monday, April 22, 2013

Same Time Next Year - MS 150

There was a movie in the late 70s about a man and woman having an affair.  They were each married to someone else so they decided to meet for a weekend once a year.  The movie Same Time Next Year ran the course of their growing and aging together.

The 2013 MS 150 reminded me of that as I got together with some friends that we usually just see each other this one weekend a year.  There was me and Sam and John and Brad and Paul.

Friday night we were all scattered at different places and started the ride at various locations.  Some went 85 miles, some 75 miles.  But we all met in La Grange.  Weather was cold to start but I dressed in layers per Coach Sandy.  We made pretty good time and finished riding about 2:30 on Saturday.  We made our way to Brad's house where we spent the night in fine luxury.  Meanwhile the other saps were back camping out.  Ha!  Since we burned a lot of calories we just had to eat two dinners.  Another highlight of the ride was the donut shop stop in Bellville.  Much better than the "prison sandwiches" offered for free.  We had a local refer us to Snowflake Donuts and it was worth the trip as he promised.

Sunday it was warmer and we left about 7:00 a.m.   Some of our group decided they must ride straight through.  I on the other hand felt it my duty to stop at each rest stop.  I was moving  a bit slower Sunday than Saturday but made it in Austin at 2:00 p.m.  We were on the road back from Austin at 4:00.  Check out our circuitous route....

Austin to La Grange to Waller to Katy to Clear Lake = home at 11:30 p.m. Of course we did have a nice stop at the 59 Diner for a 24 hour dinner.  Steak and Eggs never tasted so good.

When I got home today, for some reason, my wife and mother in law said I looked tired.  Showing my age I guess.  I must have earned than Veteran Rider status after 11 times.  Funny how just like being a kid.  You want to grow up- then you want to go back in time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the help with the "bonus stop" in Katy... Looooong day!
