Sunday, April 5, 2015

Dr. Paul at the Final Four

My friend Dr. Paul is a regular drinker - of Coke Zero.  Which makes him somewhat irregular.  The stepchild of the Coca-Coca family, Coke Zero is a diet soda which is supposed to taste more like a sweeter soda.

Coke Zero has not taken off (surprise!)  So in a marketing blitz, Coke Zero was decided to be the Official Drink of the Final Four.  There was a contest for patrons to go.  Since there are not so many afficianados of "The Zero", Dr. Paul's chances increased.  And he WON!

So he's at the Final Four now, getting the complete marketing drubbing.  And as he said "I'm totally fine with that".  As long as Uncle Coke is picking up the complete tab, he's #OpenToTry.

Glad to hear he and his teenage son are having a big time.  They saw the soon to be famous upset of Wisconsin over Kentucky.  As a transplanted Midwestern, he was very happy for that.  Now if the Badgers can beat Duke on Monday, that should be a season to remember.  Two 1 seeds should make for a great game.


  1. Always happy to be bought. Unfortunately, nobody's interested--even at the DISCOUNT rate! Thus, "zero" is enough.

  2. Always happy to be bought. Unfortunately, nobody's interested--even at the DISCOUNT rate! Thus, "zero" is enough.
