Saturday, June 16, 2018

House Park Hill

I went to a high school graduation party last week.  It was held in an outdoor venue and  a very nice affair with lots of family and friends.  The graduate played volleyball and everyone had pizza and cake and soft drinks and water.  Some of the adults had a drink or two.

It made me think of the very different Austin High Class of 1983 graduation party, held at Saagerunde Hall.  Joe King Carrasco played  some of his early mosh style music.  We were graduates and it was not a school party so going back and forth to the parking lot for beer was common.  One of my friends rolled through the Party Bar on Guadalupe with the graduation tassel hanging from the rear view.

After the party, I rode with the late great Aaron Kluth to some afterparty.  As was common then, Aaron was speeding westbound on W 15th street when after crossing West Ave., there was a crest of the steep hill before going down over the overpass of North Lamar.  The plan was to time the green lights just so to hit top speed while going over the hill to get "airborne".

Now Aaron was feeling it.  He probably hit about 65 mph at the top of the hill.  We hit the crest and bounced up in the seats so high I hit my head on the top of the roof.  No seat belts of course.  We probably came an inch or two off the ground and then came crashing down.  Miraculously he maintained control and we barrelled down the hill hooting and hollering.

The things we did back then are hard to believe now:  jumping off the Mopac bridge, boating at night, top speed on Loop 360, midnight swimming.  It wasn't all fun and games:  Trey Thorn fell off the back of a motorcycle and died.    Lara Tatum died when the roofless Blazer she was riding in flipped over.  We even had a suicide in 1980 or so of a classmate's brother.

Austin was smaller then than it is now.  I guess like any town the kids eventually get bored.  Glad that our party here was more low key.  She's now on a graduation cruise.  So all is well.

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