Saturday, September 15, 2018


The Millennials have coined a new verb - "To Adult" eg. to behave in a manner of an adult, typically referred to in terms of  paid work, family and financial responsibility, and general Real World living.

It made me think of the changes from our Generation X (born 1965-1975) experience.   Then you had an expectation to go to college, but only for the requisite 4 years.  Grad school was not for everyone back then, so the expectation was - Get a job and stay there for a good long time, just like your parents.  It was not easy to find work and it didn't get much easier once your were working, so opportunities were not as plentiful.  People didn't move around as much as they do now.

Now it seems that many more people go to college and grad school both.  As I have mentioned, staying at the same job is not as common.  And many more opportunities, perhaps so many, that some people remain underemployed while thinking they are looking for something better online.

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