Sunday, November 11, 2018

Advice to New Attorneys

Earlier this month a new crop of attorneys in Texas came into being, by virtue of passing the July 2018 bar exam.  About the same time I was looking at a composite photo of the Hidalgo County Bar Association from 1999.  I was struck by how many of the attorney I knew that were still here but also the number that had died/moved on/gone to jail/etc.

So after 26 years, I think I have some perspective to offer some advice.  Most of it is probably what I call Mother-In-Law advice, practical wisdom that you probably either already know or could have figured out if you only took the time to think about it.

1.  We're all in this together.  While the competition never seems to go away for jobs, money, prestige, recognition, remember that we share a bond of professionalism that goes above any base wants.  Consider the other person as an equal, even if you have opposing views.

2.  Take good care of yourself.  This career is a long haul, akin to the tortoise and the hare.  Pace yourself for a long career, and you will likely have one.  You'll be surprised at how many flame out along the way.

3. Always be willing to learn more.  Just when you think you have it down, the law will change, or the market will change, or the technology will change.  There will be a number of career moves you'll have to make.  Be willing to act before the ball starts rolling and you can't outrun it.

4.  Stay involved with your law school alumni.  As time goes by, there will be fewer and fewer of you, and those bonds will be strengthened by some regular contact.  Plus it is always a good reminder of where you came from and how far you have come.  Be proud of your accomplishments.

Thanks to my Mother-In-Law JoAnn who always has some smart, practical wisdom.  I won't forget the encouraging note she sent me after some early setbacks in law school.  Mind you, I was only the fiance then.  Her confidence helped me to press forward, and I'm proud to say I really came back stronger than ever.

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