Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday December 3

It was a nice day of not too much action today. We went out for a late dinner last night after the Christmas parade at the Argentinian steakhouse which is always a treat. As a result I slept a bit late today.

The parade was very nice. My friend Casey's daughter was one of the beauty queens in the parade riding by in convertibles. But what makes this 3rd grader special is that she is in a wheelchair with Spina Bifida. It goes to show, beauty takes a lot more than 2 good legs.

Also in the parade after the color guard, was the band, the Prancers, the cheerleaders and all of the football team. It was great to see everyone together again after the last game of the season.

I worked on hanging Christmas lights outside and got most of it done. The rest can be done tomorrow. It's always a big job (to me) with the ladders and getting into the attic and such.

I watched the UT-Baylor game and it was a good game. UT looked OK to start but Baylor closed them out. At least Baylor makes the Big 12 look good. Final score 48-24.

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