Friday, June 8, 2012

People Change

While trying to find some contact information for an old attorney friend, I ran into this online.  And yes, it is the same person I was looking up:

This is someone I have known pretty well, exchanged Christmas cards, been professional colleagues.  Never would I have thought anything like this.  Best thing to think, is that people can change from 13 to 30 something.

1 comment:

  1. I must admit to being surprised that he would be allowed to join the bar or whatever it is called. When I first read this, I have to say my first thought was "sure wouldn't have happened had he been poor". The parents PAID almost $100,000 (yes I did the math) to basically keep him in the psych hospital. Most parents could have never afforded that. I am really trying to find that part of me that realizes all people can change but right now that voice is being drowned out by wow talk about rewarding negative behavior. I am glad that he was able to turn his life around and become a productive member of society and I certainly know psych hospitals aren't a vacation but two years doesn't seem like much of a punishment for what he did.

    Oh and not sure if you ever got the link after I moved the blog over to wordpress--
