Thursday, June 28, 2012


The Supreme Court Of The United States has spoken:  The Affordable Care Act is constitutional!  Hear Ye/ Hear Ye.

It's amazing how so many people are experts on the Supreme Court.  At lunch today, some random person went on a detailed discussion about the case.   "What do you think?" he asked me.  I couldn't add any more than what he had said.  It shows how far away the cases in the Supreme Court (the Ivory Tower) are from the front lines of the local lawyers.  I always thought that if a case had to go that far, it would be a money/time loser to all involved.

In other legal news, the US Attorney General is in criminal contempt of Congress for withholding requested documents on Operation Fast and Furious.  That is the "gun-walking" (as opposed to gun-running) where US officials allowed guns to be illegally sold and illegally exported, resulting in death and destruction.  There are a lot of local prosecutions for guns now.  Makes me think that the  Fast and Furious was not limited to just the Tucson AZ area and now they are trying to clean up the mess.

Next week is the 4th of July.  It's been slow at work and likely will only get slower, with Wednesday being the 4th.  That means a lot of people will take long weekends, maybe even myself.  If you can't beat them, join them.  Then vacation starts the next week.  But a watched pot never boils.  I expect things will get back to crazy/normal soon.

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