Wednesday, December 2, 2009

From Jeff Galloway

In response to a mean-spirted comment about slower marathon runners.

From Jeff Galloway, someone who has done a lot to inspire many to attempt the marathon (including me!)


Almost all of the runners I hear from respect anyone who takes on the marathon challenge because it tends to change one's life for the better. I've spoken to hundreds of very accomplished people (CEOs, engineers, inventors, artists, professors, even professionals in other sports) who place the finishing of a marathon at the top of their list of lifetime achievements.

While we are experiencing an epidemic of obesity due to inactivity, one-tenth of one percent of the population gets off the couch, and makes the difficult journey to the marathon finish line. The challenges experienced during the extended training and the race itself force almost every marathoner to dig deeply. Most discover hidden resources which empower them to confront other challenges in life. According to several experts that I have interviewed, each back-of-the-pack marathoner influences several dozen sedentary citizens to change their health behaviors for the better.

The finishing of a marathon bestows a unique sense of worth that can last for a lifetime - regardless of finish time. We need to salute the efforts of those at the back who did not inherit the genetic material to run on a collegiate cross country team, but who inserted training into busy career and family schedules, improved their health and inspire others.

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