Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday morning

This is the Monday of the week leading to Labor Day. The Friday before Labor Day always seems like majorly bad things at work happen that you end up paying for for the rest of the year. So I'm thinking of being out on that day. Why not?

I'm hoping to close a transaction this week. It has so far gone according to plan. I need to make a checklist of things to do. First on the list: make the list.

Saturday was the Fishing for Hope tournament. I had a good time and caught two fish. Neither was a keeper but I did receive everyone else's fish so we had ceviche on Sunday. Tasty. As I told Susan, millions of people around the world probably eat fish for breakfast.

I got to go to the Paragraphs Bookstore on the island on Sunday. A favorite of mine. Got two good books that I'm working on reading plus a classic "Harry the Dirty Dog" about a white dog who turns black from dirt and his family can't recognize him. Perfect for our new white dog.

What's Up, Dog!

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