Friday, January 28, 2011

A friend in need

What is it with people's attachment to their cell phones? I admit that like mine well enough: I'll be missing it if I don't have it, don't like it when it runs out of juice, enjoy the opportunity to call anyone, whenever and like not having to remember or lookup a lot of numbers.

But when I don't have it - the world keeps spinning. I find another way to be in touch. Or not be in touch. Like George W Bush, I like to be as disconnected as possible.

If the house were on fire, I would not grab my cell phone.

I could go on a long trip with no cell phone.

Remember when digital pagers were state of the art?

Remember when voice mail became standard at work?

Remember when you got your first answering machine?

Remember those pink slips as to who called you?

Remember getting a busy signal?

Remember rotary dial phone?

Remember the Children's Telephone?

Remember Ma Bell?

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