Sunday, September 20, 2009

Friday Sept 18 - La Giroconda

Up at 0815. Luis Antonio coming at 0900 to take me to the Da Vinci Exhibit at the Casa Madero de Plaza Mayor. We left with Luis and his daughter Luisa. I thought she was going with us, but she just drove us to the Metro. We got on what they called the Metrorcarril rail and then rode to the Metrocable which was a gondola ride up the mountain. Up the mountain is a poor area, lots of shacks made on the side of the mountain. But the cable gives access to transportation to the many people who live there. So its a pretty progressive idea.

Luis is like me. He likes to strike up conversations with others. He talked up everyone in the cable cars, 15 minutes at a time, up and down :) The Metro was very clean - there were ladies dressed in white uniforms cleaning up.

After a ride through the Metro ("Riding on the Metro..."), we ended up at the Da Vinci exhibit. It was an interesting collection of replicas for of course, things like the Mona Lisa or the Last Supper are not traveling items. There were a number of wooden invention machines that he came up with. Some were pretty ingenious like the spiral energy or the circular hammer (hard to describe. Many of them had circular energy transferred to linear energy.

The Last Supper was a good description. It is a mural about 8 M long x 4 M high and there is a door underneath. It is located in Milan. Gilbert said he had been there.

The Mona Lisa was a good exhibit. It has been analyzed more than nearly any other work I can think of. For example, did you know there are mountains in the background? Likely an amalgam of various places, no one knows. Also the position of her hands looks like she has six fingers. And did you know she has no eyebrows or eyelashs?

La Giroconda is "Mona Lisa" in Italian. It was purchased/commission by a French king, hence the reason it is in the Lourve in Paris.

The exhibit was neat to see in Spanish. Renaissance is Renacimiento. La Cena Ultimo. El Hombre de Vitruvio (Vitruvius Man).

We then had lunch at a local cafe where the Cazuela (frijoles) were good. We did a little shopping at the bike shop and Luisa picked us up. We had dinner at home and Luis Guillermo's family cam over to say goodbye before we had to leave early the next morning.

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